Our trilogy EINZELTÄTER by Julian Vogel has been nominated for the German Television Award: in the category “Best Documentary Series” and in the category “Best Camera Information/Documentary” (Luise Schröder and Julian Vogel). Congratulations to all involved!
AFTERMATH, the third and final part of the “Trilogy of Footballers' Lives” by Christoph Hübner and Gabriele Voss is at 11pm on WDR television and also from now on available in the ARD Mediathek.
The trilogy EINZELTÄTER by director and author Julian Vogel has been awarded the Grimme Prize 2024 in the category "Information & Culture". Congratulations to everyone involved!
German TV premiere of BLIX NOT BOMBS. Tonight at 23:15 on arte, already available in the arte-Mediathek now!
Our international co-production BLIX NOT BOMBS by Greta Stocklassa has been nominated for the Cinema for Peace Award in the category Most Valuable Documentary of the Year 2023!
The trilogy EINZELTÄTER by Julian Vogel has been nominated for this year's Grimme Award. Congratulations to the whole team!
Our co-production BLIX NOT BOMBS with PINK Productions by Greta Stocklassa has been nominated for the Czech Lion Award. Congratulations to the whole team!
All three parts of the trilogy EINZELTÄTER by Julian Vogel are now available in the ZDF-Mediathek.
Our documentary series GAME OF MINDS is now available in the ARTE media stream and also on the ARTE YouTube channel. Have fun watching!
THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Lukasz Konopa and Emil Langballe has won the main prize VIKTOR DOK.international at DOK.fest Munich! Congratulations to the whole team!
ZUHUR'S DAUGHTERS by Laurentia Genske and Robin Humboldt has been nominated for this year's CIVIS Media Award. The award ceremony is on 6.6. in Berlin. Congratulations to the whole team! More information can be found here.
Our co-productions BLIX NOT BOMBS by Greta Stocklassa and THEATRE OF VIOLENCE by Emil Langballe and Lukasz Konopa will have their world premiere at CPH:DOX in Copenhagen.
ZUHUR´S DAUGHTERS and ZINDER are both nominated for the German Documentary Award! The ceremony will be on June 27 during the SWR Doku-Festival in Stuttgart.
ZUHUR´S DAUGHTERS is beyond the 15 preselcted documentaries for the German Film Award! The decision about the three nominations will be made on May 12. We keep our fingers crossed!
Our documentary DEAR BROTHER by Julia Horn is nominated for the Grimme-Award, Germany´s most prestigious TV-Award. Congratulations to the whole team! We are keeping our fingers crossed for the announcement of the winners on May 31.
TAMING THE GARDEN is opening in cinemas across Germany on December 2.
TAMING THE GARDEN is nominated for the European Film Awards as Best Documentary! The ceremony will take place on Dec 11 2021 in Berlin.
After the main award in the German competition at Dokfest Munich and two wonderful premieres in Cologne and Stuttgart ZUHUR´S DAUGHTERS by Laurentia Genske and Robin Humboldt will open in German cinemas on November 4.
After a wonderful festival tour with numerours awards LOST IN FACE by Valentin Riedl will open in German cinemas on September 30.
Tonight at 9:50 pm DEAR BROTHER by Julian Horn will have its TV premiere on ARTE and can already be seen in the Mediathek.
The long waiting has come to an end: Our documentary ALL FOR THE COUNTRYSIDE by Gesa Hollerbach will be released in German cinemas today! Dates and places can be found here.
Our international co-productiuon ACASA, MY HOME wins three Romanian Film Awards in the categories Best Documentary, Best Debut and Best Sound! Congratulations to everyone inviolved!
Finally back in the cinemas: TAMING THE GARDEN will be screened at the Berlinale Summer Special. Here´s the link to the festival.
ACASA, MY HOME receives the German Camera Award for the work of our DoPs Radu Ciorniciuc and Mircea Topoleanu!
ZUHUR´S DAUGHTERS by Lauerentia Genske and Robin Humboldt wins the VIKTOR DOK.deutsch for the best film in the German Competition at Dokfest Munich! Congratulations to the whole team!
Our French-Nigerien-German co-production ZINDER by Aicha Macky will celebrate its world premiere in the International Competition of Visions Du Réel!
Next stop will be Copenhagen at CPH:DOX. Looking very forward!
TAMING THE GARDEN by Salomé Jashi hast just been awarded with two awards for "Best Feature Film" at FICUNAM in Mexico City and "Best Film" at Docudays Kiew as well as with a "Special Mention of the Young Jury Award" at Cinéma du Réel in Paris.
Thanks so much to the juries - we are very honored!
LUISA by Romy Steyer is nominated for the Grimme Award, Germany´s most prestigious TV award. The film tells the story of the "German Greta" Luisa Neubauer.
Our documentary ZUHUR´S DAUGHTERS by Laurentia Genske and Robin Humboldt will celebrate its world premiere at HOT DOCS in the World Showcase section!
PIOTR ROSOLOWSKI for THE WALL OF SHADOWS as well as MIRCEA TOPOLEANU and RADU CIORNICIUC for ACASĂ, MY HOME were nominated for the German Camera Award!
The Jury of the 38th TORELLO MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL has decided to award the film THE WALL OF SHADOWS in two categories:
To the project
The international co-production "Taming the Garden" by Salomé Jashi celebrates its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in the World Documentary Competition.
For the 33rd edition of the European Film Awards 2020, which will be awarded in a virtual series of events from December 8th to 12th, "Acasa - My Home" is one of six nominated documentaries.
Click here for the EFA press release.
For the 18+ series! on 3sat we portray Luisa Neubauer, the "German Greta". In 2019, the geography student established herself as the icon of "Fridays for Future" and seems to be made for it.
Go to the film.
To the project
SWR und MFG haben 20 Kurzfilme zum Thema „Liebe in Zeiten von Corona“ in der Länge zwischen 5 und 10 Minuten im Rahmen eines Dokumentarfilm-Wettbewerbs in Baden-Württemberg gefördert, um Filmemacher*innen zu unterstützen. Die ausgewählten Filme sind ab 16. Juli in der ARD Mediathek und im SWR Kanal auf YouTube abrufbar.