
Zuhur's Daughters

A documentary by Laurentia Genske and Robin Humboldt | 90 min | 2021 | D

Teenagers Lohan and Samar both feel they were born in the wrong body. Together with their family the siblings have fled the Syrian war and received asylum in Germany. Gradually Lohan and Samar dare to live out their female identity, while their religious parents consider it a sin to be trans. Increasingly Lohan and Samar are drawn away from the conservative environment in the refugee home and into the liberated world of nightlife. For three years the film accompanies the siblings transitioning to the opposite sex and searching for an own identity. The film brings us close to a special family that sticks together despite countless conflicts and hardships.


Screenplay and Direction: Laurentia Genske, Robin Humboldt

Camera and Sound: Laurentia Genske, Robin Humboldt

Editing: Carina Mergens

Sound Mix: Robert Keilbar

Commissioning Editor: Katya Mader, ZDF/3sat

Distribution: Camino Filmverleih


In co-production mit ZDF/3sat.

Production funded by Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, DFFF.

Festivals and Awards


Dokfest Munich - VIKTOR DOK.deutsch for best film in the German Competition

RIDM Montreal

Film Festival Cologne

Duisburger Filmwoche