A documentary film by Radu Ciorniciuc | 90 min | 2020 | RO/D/
For the last two decades, the Enache family lived in the Bucharest’s Delta, an immense green space in which wildlife has become a rare urban ecosystem. Following the rhythm of the seasons, they live a simple life isolated from society. But their peace is soon to be over: no longer able to escape social services and pressured by the municipality, they are forced to move to the city and learn to conform to the rules of society.
Screenplay: Lina Vdovîi , Radu Ciorniciuc
Director: Radu Ciorniciuc
Camera: Mircea Topoleanu, Radu Ciorniciuc
Sound: Lukáš Moudrý, Tom Weber
Editing: Andrei Gorgan
Producer RO: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, Manifest Film
Producer EU: Hanka Kasteliková, HBO EU
Producer RO: Alina David, HBO RO
Producer FIN: Ari Matikainen, KINOCOMPANY
In co-production with Manifest Film, HBO Europe, HBO Romania und KINOCOMPANY.
Post-production funded by: MFG Baden-Württemberg
Sundance Film Festival 2020, winner "Special Jury Award for Cinematography"
European Documentary 2020, nomination "Best Documentary"
DOK.fest München, winner "Viktor"
Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, winner "Special Jury Award"