
Acasă, My Home

A documentary film by Radu Ciorniciuc | 90 min | 2020 | RO/D/


For the last two decades, the Enache family lived in the Bucharest’s Delta, an immense green space in which wildlife has become a rare urban ecosystem. Following the rhythm of the seasons, they live a simple life isolated from society. But their peace is soon to be over: no longer able to escape social services and pressured by the municipality, they are forced to move to the city and learn to conform to the rules of society.

"It’s both intimate and analytical, a sensitive portrait of real people undergoing enormous change and a meditation on what that change might mean. It taps into something primal in the human condition, a basic conflict between the desire for freedom and the tendency toward organization — an argument, finally, about the meaning of home."


Screenplay:  Lina Vdovîi , Radu Ciorniciuc

Director: Radu Ciorniciuc

Camera: Mircea Topoleanu, Radu Ciorniciuc

Sound: Lukáš Moudrý, Tom Weber

Editing: Andrei Gorgan 

Producer RO: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, Manifest Film

Producer EU: Hanka Kasteliková, HBO EU

Producer RO: Alina David, HBO RO

Producer FIN: Ari Matikainen, KINOCOMPANY 


In co-production with Manifest Film, HBO Europe, HBO Romania und KINOCOMPANY.
Post-production funded by: MFG Baden-Württemberg

Festivals (Selection)

Sundance Film Festival 2020, winner "Special Jury Award for Cinematography" 

European Documentary 2020, nomination "Best Documentary"

DOK.fest München, winner "Viktor"

Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, winner "Special Jury Award"